Website Carbon Footprint Calculator

Analyze the carbon footprint of your website.

Please note that the time to retrieve metrics and perform computations can vary, typically taking up to a minute. This depends on multiple factors, such as a webpage's size and complexity.

Results for:

This page transmits approximately 72 kB and generates an estimated 0.02g CO2 during a single visit. The website's hosting provider is listed as a green host in the Green Web Directory(opens in new window) database.


Top 3 Largest Resources

This breakdown highlights the resources that contribute most significantly to the page weight.

62 kB
6 kB
4 kB

Reducing your digital environmental impact

In an era where the internet significantly contributes to overall CO2 emissions, the importance of developing sustainable web applications cannot be emphasized enough.

Our Website Carbon Footprint Calculator analyzes the size of a page, providing an estimate of the associated carbon emissions. Explore the environmental cost of your online activities and discover ways to reduce your digital carbon footprint.

Calculation method

Our CO2 emissions estimates rely on the Sustainable Web Design (SWD) model implemented through the CO2.js JavaScript library, developed by the Green Web Foundation. The methodology employs kWh/GB as a key metric, factoring in energy consumption, carbon intensity, and data center energy. For those interested in the technical details, the SWD(opens in new window) model and CO2.js(opens in new window) library offer in-depth insights .

It's crucial to recognize that the presented CO2 emissions values are approximations due to the absence of a universally approved standard for calculating web-related environmental impact. As the field evolves, we are committed to adapting our methodologies to align with emerging official standards, ensuring the continual refinement of our calculations.


Answers to your questions about sustainable web development and how it impacts your business.

What is sustainable web development?

It's the approach to creating web applications with an emphasis on minimizing their environmental impact.

Why choose green hosting?

It contributes significantly to reducing your website's carbon footprint and promotes renewable energy.

Do established guidelines exist for sustainable web development?

Not yet, but W3C is currently working on a set of standards for sustainable web development. Please take a look at the Web Sustainability Guidelines (WSG) 1.0 draft version for more information.

Can web design be sustainable?

Yes, sustainable web design focuses on reducing resources and utilizing eco-friendly practices throughout the design process.

How does efficient coding help?

Efficient code runs faster and requires less energy, reducing the overall power consumption of a web application.